Yellowfin tuna has a mild, meaty flavor - similar, some say, to swordfish. It's more flavorful than albacore, but leaner than bluefin. The meat is bright red in it's raw state but, when cooked, turns brown to grayish-tan, firm and moist, with large flakes. Yellowfin is also served raw as sashimi and in sushi.
YYellowfin is excellent raw, but for grilling and broiling, cut steaks 1 1/2 inches thick. The tuna needs little flavor enhancement; just brush with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning. Tuna can also marinate for several hours without becoming "cooked". Try a marinade of white wine, a little oil and some brown sugar for an hour or two before grilling.
Primary product forms: Whole round; Fillets
Swordfish is moist and flavorful with a slightly sweet taste. Steaks have a moderately high oil content and a firm, meaty texture. The flesh color can vary from white and ivory to pink and orange.
Any recipe that works for tuna will work for swordfish. While traditionally swordfish is served baked with a slice of lemon, more chefs are preparing it in ways that stretch it, like swordfish kebabs with dipping sauces. It can also be easily cooked from a frozen state. For moist grilled swordfish, select steaks that are at least 1 1/4 inches thick. Baste with olive oil and lemon juice before and during cooking.
Primary product forms: Whole round; Fillets
This specie, once dismissed as cod’s poorer cousin, now has come into its own as a valuable resource, global commodity and a popular item. Alaska Pollock is among the most ubiquitous of North Pacific groundfish, ranging from California to Alaska and across the Aleutians to the waters of Russia, China and Japan. The bulk of the catch comes from the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska and Russia’s Sea of Okhotsk.
Primary product forms: HG; Fillets skinless; Fillets skin-on; Breaded; Surimi
More than a dozen hake and whiting species inhabit temperate and cold waters of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Most hakes are identified by geographic origin outside the United States, which imports large amounts of Argentine whiting (M. Hubbsi) and Chilean hake (M. Gayi).
Primary product forms: Whole Round (most common); Whole Gutted; Fillets
Cod considered the “default setting from which all other fish species vary”, belongs to the Gadidae family, also comprising haddock, pollock, hake and hoki. Atlantic cod is smaller, paler counterpart, Pacific cod, averages 5 to 10 pounds. It is taken by trawls, longlines and pots. The Bering and Barents seas and Gulf of Alaska are major fishing grounds. The two cod species are often not separately distinguished in the marketplace, but offered simply as “cod”.
Primary product forms: Headed & Gutted; Fillets skin-on and Skinless; Loins; Tails; Breaded/Batte red; Dried; Salted
Distribution of this fish ranges from Bering Sea to Baja California. The most important commercial specie of the family is Pacific ocean perch. It is caught by trolling, trawling, longlining, jigging, trapping and gillnetting – either targeted or as bycatch.
Primary product forms: Headed & Gutted; Fillets skin-on and Skinless; Breaded
Tracing its origin to the Nile River, tilapia has been farm raised for decades and is cultivated in warm waters the world over. It is the second-most cultured group of fish in the world, exceeded only by carp. Costa Rica and Colombia are major suppliers of fresh product and China is leading supplier of frozen fish.
Primary product forms: Whole; Whole, Gutted & Scaled; Fillets skin-on and Skinless; Breaded
Cambodian and Vietnamese fish farmers have raised basa in cages along the Mekong River for decades. Pangasius has become fairly common in Europe under the name "Vietnamese river cobbler" or just "river cobbler". It is mainly being sold through the large supermarkets in both fresh and frozen forms. It is marketed as a cheaper alternative to traditionally popular white fish, such as cod or haddock.
Primary product forms: Whole; Whole, Gutted & Scaled; Fillets skin-on and Skinless; Breaded
By all accounts, monkfish is one of the ugliest fish in the deep, having a huge head, tiny eyes and an enormous mouth filled with needle-like teeth. Obviously not intended for the display case, the whole fish rarely makes it ashore, since fishermen generally remove the tail and liver at sea and throw the rest back. Monkfish are found worldwide, but the primary harvesting areas are in the North Atlantic from coastal Norway to the Mediterranean and from Grand Banks to North Carolina
Primary product forms: Whole (head-on); Tail fillets (skinless); Whole tails (skin-on); Cubes and portions
Arrowtooth flounder can be caught from the Bering Sea to Santa Rosa Island, California. Spawning occurs from December through February. This species of flounder can live up to 25 years. If not properly handled, the flesh of arrowtooth flounder can soften, lowering its value and marketability. To make it more marketable, arrowtooth is usually sold on the West Coast as turbot, although it is not related to the true turbot.
Primary product forms: Headed & Gutted; Fillets Skin-on and Skinless
This specie is possibly the fastest-growing catfish species in the world. And it’s one of the best protein converters: 1 pound of catfish for every 2 pounds of feed. Because it’s a grain-fed, farmed fish, catfish has a consistently sweet, mild taste.It absorbs other flavors readily. The moist, dense meat is firm and has less flake than the typical whitefish.
Primary product forms: Fillets skinless; Steaks; Breaded; Marinated
Mahi mahi is the Hawaiian name for dolphinfish. It is one of the most beautiful fish in the ocean because of its rich, iridescent colors. The back is an electric greenish blue, the lower body is gold or sparkling silver, and the sides have a mixture of dark and light spots. Although most people associate mahi mahi with Hawaii, it is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the globe.
Primary product forms: Whole round; Headed & Gutted; Fillets; Portions; Steaks
Gourmands describe the Golden Pompano as “the world’s most edible fish”. The flat-bodied, pan-sized pompano is easy to eat whole, a form that shows off the beautiful skin. Though technically a round fish, the narrow-bodied pompano is structured much like a flatfish and generally weighs less than 3 pounds. The attractive, silvery-golden skin is edible and does not require scaling.
Primary product forms: Whole round; Headed & Gutted
Feeding on some of the world’s fastest tunas and billfish, the blue shark is at the very apex of the marine food chain. It’s also among the best-tasting. Blue shark is moist and slightly sweet, with a full-bodied, meaty taste. Both flavor and texture are similar to swordfish, but the flesh of blue shark is mister, and the meat is not as sweet.
Primary product forms: Headed and gutted; Dressed without tail; Loins; Fillets; Steaks
Australia’s Aborigines dubbed this species barramundi, meaning river fish with large scales; it spends most of its life in the rivers, migrating to estuaries to breed and then returning to its original river system. A member of the sea bass family, barramundi is native to Australia’s northern tropical waters and parts of Southeast Asia. Farms and wild fisheries supply the growing global market.
Primary product forms: Whole round; Fillets